Ethical Principles

Ethics Application Line for Reporting Inappropriate Behaviors:

Those who want to apply to the HTR ethics line can send an e-mail to [email protected]. All natural and legal persons can apply to the ethical line, both from within the company and from outside the company, provided that they indicate their clear identity. Applications can be made with a personal complaint or about an ethical problem that is thought to be in the system and business processes.

Our Corporate and Personal Values

  • Honesty
  • Justice
  • Competence
  • Efficiency
  • Mission Awareness
  • Ability to Take Responsibility
  • Ability to Use Initiative
  • Producing Measurable Added Value
  • Flexibility
  • Objectivity
  • Being Customer-oriented
  • Continuous Improvement

Our Ethical Principles

HTR Staff:

  • They do not engage in any relationship, interest, activity or initiative that they believe will adversely affect the interests of the company while they are fulfilling their duties and responsibilities.
  • In line with the strategic goals of the company, they act in accordance with universal business ethics principles, HTR values ​​and a high work ethic in all business processes and relationships.
  • They treat consistently and honestly to all interacting groups associated with the company
  • They do not use the information and company identity they have acquired in the company for their personal interests.
  • They give importance to the confidentiality of company information and act in accordance with information security principles.
  • They do not use personal information accessed through information technologies in a way that exposes the private life of individuals.
  • They act in accordance with the laws of their country and other countries where they do business, and the procedures of the institutions/organizations with which HTR interacts.
  • They consider the financial, physical and human resources of the company as a national resource which entrusted to them; pay attention to their effective and efficient use.
  • They pay maximum attention to the protection of the natural environment in all their activities and works.
  • They expect that all individuals/organizations and institutions they interact with, to act in accordance with the ethical values ​​of HTR.
  • They know that obtaining some personal benefits from suppliers during purchases are immoral practices that are considered within the scope of bribery and gifts accepted from customers are also considered within this scope. They do not engage in such unethical behavior. 

Every employee is responsible for learning the business ethics process and getting help when needed. Behaviors and transactions that are considered unethical should be reported to the ethics line. Violation of HTR ethical principles will not be tolerated and necessary action will be taken.


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